Friday, May 15, 2009

Another week gone by

I don't like to announce it online for obvious reasons but the hubby has been out of town for the last week. While I miss him, it gives me a lot more time to focus on myself and what I need to do. This week I found out the power of not only making a list but sticking to it and getting it all done. I am admittedly lazy by nature. So if I can keep this up at least it will help. I'm so completely overwhelmed by all that needs to be done that I sometimes feel frozen.

The next few weeks are going to involve a lot of goodbyes. This weekend is Aiden's last T-ball game. His first experience on a sports team has been absolutely wonderful. I was a little worried in the beginning since he is ultra competitive sometimes but he has done great. The attitude of the coaches has been wonderful and as usual, if another adult says what mommy says then it must be true.

School is ending soon. I'm so proud of how well he has done this year. Although it started off rough he has grown so much. The little boy that used to cry every time he didn't get his way or was frustrated has learned some self control. He has learned to read. Most importantly, he has learned that it is fun to learn and try new things. I hope this wonderful attitude that he has developed in preschool will last him the rest of his life.

Even amongst all the chaos it is funny how things happen that are signs that show you that you are in the right place. This morning it was my dad's song on the radio. It always comes on when I'm feeling frustrated or overwhelmed. Like a message from him to take a step back and look around. Or the other night when Aiden's game was cancelled due to storms. On the way home we saw the most beautiful rainbow. We would have totally missed it had we not driven down the ball park. Even better then that was hearing Aiden's excitement when he spotted it. When they are little and discovering things you get to hear that emotion so often but as he slowly gets older it is harder to come by. I wish I could bottle up that joy.

Well... enough babbling.

1 comment:

  1. *hugsss* This post made me happy. Kids are the best. <3 When are you all moving again?
