Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A good day/Mommy Brag

Today is going to be a good day. Aiden woke up in a good mood and I slept through the night. What a great feeling it is when you feel like you had enough sleep. It doesn't happen to me very often. Later we are going to tour a donut place with our Moms group and Aiden will get to decorate and of course eat a donut. In his words, "Today is my favorite day in May!".

I told Aiden's school last week that we were moving. I adore his school and hated doing that. I did have a quick conversation with his teacher who said she thought he'd be absolutely fine in kindergarten which was nice to hear. She also told me how smart he was. I swear ya can't hear compliments about your children enough. Even though it has nothing to do with anything i've done it just makes me so proud of him. He is indeed smart. From looking over what different grades require he is at least half way through kindergarten math. Although truly I think he's already done it all. He's reading a ton but still needs to work on looking at all the letters in the word and not guessing just by the first one. (Mommy bragging is okay when you're doing it in your own blog, right?) I am so greatful to his school for the wonderful start that he has gotten there. I hope we can find the perfect place for him next year.

Besides the school thing, last week has been stressful. I despise not having a plan and not even knowing when or where I'm going to be moving to is really taking it's toll. I have so much to do but get so overwhelmed I end up not doing anything. As of today that is going to change. I HAVE to get my house clean. That is my goal tomorrow while Aiden is at school. After that I can start packing up stuff that we won't use. If anyone knows a good way to pack a huge lego castle without it falling apart, Ash and I would appreciate the suggestion. When I asked her if it would be fun to put it back together again.... well let's just say I'd like to try to keep it together.

Off to continue having a great day!

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