Sunday, May 3, 2009

Another Sunday Night

What a nice uneventful weekend! It started by my husband showing up and surprising Aiden at T-Ball practice on Friday night. After missing his daddy for the last week, it was adorable to see his face when he saw him. It was definitely an "awwwww" moment.

Saturday was game day followed by lunch at the "peanut place" as Aiden calls it. Aiden did great in his game. He was able to hit the ball and he even caught it and threw it a couple of times. This was much improved from the week before where he just stood there staring at everything going on.

Sunday we had a big family trip to Sam's club. I know... that doesn't sound too exciting. But it was proceeded by cleaning out the fridge and freezer and now I feel organized about meals for the family. One day I will get this staying at home mom/domestic goddess thing right. Okay, well it might be a while.

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