Sunday, July 5, 2009

A perfect memory

Yesterday was the fourth of July and we had no plans. Just worked on getting the house ready for moving day. I had bought some wimpy fireworks from the store and we were going to set them off. Aiden of course was thrilled and couldn't wait. He was also thrilled with his USA shirt and his decorated cupcakes. I love his age. He's so easy to please.

Well when it finally was dark enough the people across the lake from us set off these huge beautiful fireworks for probably an hour. After standing outside for fifteen minutes and getting eaten by mosquitoes we decided to watch them from inside.

We put a bunch of pillows up by the big back door and laid on the floor watching them. As Aiden laid there all fascinated, I couldn't help but think this is one of those perfect memories that I hope I always have. Don't you just love when those happen when you weren't planning for them at all?

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