Saturday, July 25, 2009

Can't Complain

We are here at our new home. It has been two weeks and so far so good. This is definitely an older house but it is pretty and once we are done getting unpacked and settled it is going to feel like a home. A warm home with wood and colors and more like what I grew up in. The neighborhood seems friendly and I have hopes we will actually make friends here.

I registered Aiden for kindergarten last week. My little boy is going to kindergarten. I can't believe it but I know he'll do great. He is so smart and hopefully being in school will help him make some real friends. I know he misses preschool because he hasn't really had anyone but his parents to play with. We go to the park and places but there are usually younger kids. I'm going back and forth about signing up for another moms type organization but those seem geared for younger children too. We are joining a synagogue so maybe that will help out for him also.

My best friend is visiting in a couple weeks and I am so excited. I'm even more touched that she is willing to drive up here with her four kids. I know traveling isn't always easy with children but I cannot wait till they get here. Its also great motivation to get the house in order and not dump things in any of the rooms because we are going to need them all.

The weather here is so different then Florida. Duh, Lisa? What did you expect? Apparantly it's been very chilly compared to what it normally is. Right now there is a thunderstorm going outside and it's in the 70s.

As my online friend Carmen always talks about, I had a little moment of bliss yesterday. My dog and I were sitting on the back porch swing and my son was playing in the back yard. It was just one of those perfect moments. The breeze was blowing and even the birds were chirping. There has been so much going on recently that I am really trying to stop and think about when these moments happen. They really help you deal with the hard stuff.

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