Monday, April 27, 2009


It sure has been a long time since I've posted anything on here. I'd say a lot has happened. First of all, I finally had my appointment with the high risk OB/GYN in March. He basically said the same thing as everyone else. It is just one of those things and he doesn't know why we are having such bad luck. On the drive home, my husband called to let me know he was being laid off of his job. So obviously the baby thing is on hold. Is it strange to feel relief about such a thing? At least for right now I KNOW that not trying to have a baby is the right thing to do. So I don't even need to worry or think about it. I still want another child more then anything but I also know in my heart you have to take care of the family you do have before adding to it. So that is where I am at with no doubt it my mind. My only fear is that if we have to wait too long it will never happen.

My husband has accepted a job in another state. So off we go. Nothing like leaving paradise and perfect weather, beaches, and fun things to do to somewhere with snow and rain and all the things that cause seasonal affective disorder! But.. as we all know in this economy a job is a job and he's happy about this one. So if it means moving when others are having such a hard time even finding enough to survive on then how can I be anything but greatful?

My stepdaughter was just here for two weeks and my in-laws were here the second week. They left yesterday and now it is too quiet. Aiden is at school and my husband is gone. We had such a wonderful visit with them all. The good part about hubbie knowing he had a job is that I think he could enjoy them all being here with a little less stress. And he didn't have to work cuz he hadn't started yet. Who knows when he will have free time like that again.

I'm so relieved that my in-laws had a nice visit. It seems like everytime they come something bad happens and they are dealing with us in emergency mode. Last time they came down I found out about losing David and was in the hospital. When we went up to see them last everyone ended up getting sick. I'm just so glad that this time was better.

Clearly I have a lot of stuff to be doing but I'm going to try to be better about blogging. It's such a good feeling to get my thoughts out even if nobody else is reading it. (In some cases, maybe nobody should!) I'm also planning to start digital scrapbooking again. I made a great book at the end of last year and would like to do a better one for this year. The best way to do it, of course, is to keep up with it instead of doing it all at once. So for the two people reading, stay tuned because I will probably share what I do on here.


  1. I am so glad Lisa that you are blogging again AND about the visit AND the job for you DH!!!((((hugs))))

  2. (((HUGS))) Ash had an awesome visit. I'm thrilled that Todd has a job again, and who knows what could be waiting for you in the next state. I never thought I'd like Buffalo but I miss it quite a bit actually. Eh you get used to the snow. *shuffle*
