Sunday, January 18, 2009

My New Year

So I'm a little late but thought I'd make a list of what I want to do this year.

1. Have a dust free (as much as possible) home.
2. Eat and have my son eat vegetables and fruit every day.
3. Play with Aiden every day.
4. When Ash is here, sit and give her my undivided attention at least once a day.
5. Follow up with the Dr's. I need to in order to help Aiden as much as possible.
6. When I am upset, say what I'm thinking.
7. Speak without thinking so much when it doesn't really matter.
8. Make new friends.
9. Invite new friends over to do fun things.
10.Have a house that I can invite new friends over too!
11. Be patient with family. They try.
12. Organize something to remember David with on what should have been his due date.
13. Teach Aiden how to be more independent.
14. Get my teaching license up to date. Just in case.
15. Exercise.
16. Say goodbye to old demons.
17. Step out of my "box" and do something that scares me at least once a month.
18. Visit family that could use the visit.
19. Enjoy now with Aiden and quit worrying so much about his future. At least not to the point that it causes you to ruin today.
20. Go for walks.

That's all I have for now but I'll probably think of something else.

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