Monday, January 26, 2009

25 Things About Me

This has been floating around facebook. I finally broke down and did it so thought I would share here too.

1. I've been pregnant 5 times. The last time I lost the baby at 18 weeks.
2. We named that little boy David Noah.
3. I had no idea what being a stepmother really meant until after I was married. I think I am still learning.
4. I love to travel. Especially places that involve a beach or any other type of water.
5. I have a lot of friends on facebook from high school that I was too shy to really get to know when I was that age. I'm glad to have the chance to try to now.
6. I miss my dad every day.
7. I miss my dad the most when I see my son do something new. I just know that they would have adored each other.
8. My son makes me/reminds me to be a better person every day.
9. I hate my hair.
10. My favorite song is "Better Days" by The Kinks.
11. I love to cook but am really bad at it. Occasionally I get lucky though.
12. Seeing Aiden experience something for the first time makes my heart melt.
13. As much as the idea of Aiden and Ashleigh growing up makes me sad, it excites me also. I can't wait to see the wonderful people they become.
14. I absolutely love being a stay at home mom but don't think I'm very good at it.
15. I am 100% sure that when I taught, I learned as much, if not more, then my students did from me. They were all amazing.
16. When I was in high school I wanted to be a journalist for a newspaper.
17. When I was in college, I wanted to be a marriage or family counselor. Looking back, I'm sure I made the right choice by becoming what I did.
18. My favorite color is blue.
19. Lower 70s and breezey is the perfect day for me. (I do love winter in FL)
20. I am incredibly introverted. I spend so much time thinking about what I should say that I usually don't say anything. I think some people think that I'm just not friendly, but really I am shy.
21. I love having time to myself but miss having the close friends that I did in VA.
22. I've never been into sports but am really trying since I know my son will be. (He already is.)23. I love to be crafty but am horrible at it. I can destroy the simplest of art projects.
24. There are some friends that left my life years ago that I still think of sometimes and miss.
25. I hate shopping for clothes for me but love doing so for my son and stepdaughter.

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